Garagher v. Marzullo, 571 F.Supp.2d 879 (2008)
Bartender brought civil rights action against city, police officers, and officials. The court held that Public Safety Director did not cause bartender to be restrained or struck by officer.
Bartender brought civil rights action against city, police officers, and officials. The court held that Public Safety Director did not cause bartender to be restrained or struck by officer.
City was successful in defending a §1983 claim arising out of its annexation of property and subjecting the property to the City’s zoning and liquor license ordinances.
Defense against Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment rights claims involving an alleged unlawful arrest. City found not liable.
Achieved mid-trial dismissal as a sanction against plaintiff after he threatened an officer outside of the courtroom.
Successfully defended the Cook County Sheriff against a former police officer who filed a class action, claiming violations of the RICO Act for activities involving political campaigns.
Successfully defended the constitutionality of signature requirements in each district of Cook County and the complete slate requirement, insofar as it does not require a complete slate of judicial candidates.
Mr. Odelson was retained by the Bush campaign to participate in an election challenge regarding an equal protection claim involving the measures used for the manual recount of the presidential election votes in Florida in 2000; briefs were filed and the case was argued before canvassing boards in West Palm Beach and Broward Counties, ultimately…
Successful ballot access case appealed from Cook County Electoral Board to the Circuit Court, to the Illinois Supreme Court, to the United States Supreme Court involving the use of a political party’s name and signature requirements for individual districts within a county. A landmark case concerning ballot access in which Mr. Odelson served as a…
Wrongful death suit brought against City and officers alleging officers acted willfully and wantonly when using deadly force against an armed individual. Appellate Court upheld Circuit Court’s granting of defendants’ motion for summary judgment, agreeing with arguments that deadly force was used in self-defense of the officers and in defense of others.
Lake County Coroner candidate thrown off the ballot after it was determined he was ineligible due to “party switching” for the same position during the election cycle; decision upheld by Appellate Court.